Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Apple Crates

You may recall from my post a few days back, Apple Sauce Day 2015, a picture of the back of my truck with a bunch of apples in it.  I had some buckets, a tote and an apple crate I borrowed from my neighbor...

Apple Crate on the left...

He somehow got his hands on one from an orchard and copied the design to make one for himself.  He did a pretty good job and made it from scrap 2x4's and did a nice job too!  He let me borrow these things and now I'm looking at building some of my own. Alas, one thing I do miss about living in the city is dumpster diving in the new subdivisions for lumber!  I made some pretty sweet tree forts from scrounged lumber, including a loft bed in high school...  anyway, I'll have to see if I can borrow a table saw from somebody and rip up some 2x4's sometime soon!

On note, this may be a little more long term, as archery season just opened up on the 27th of Sept. and I have yet to make it out!

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